Photo: Thibault Carron
Chant 3:
Tant que la Nuit nous porte
Music, dance and hypnosis
/ creation in progress
Faced with the mystery as an insurmountable wall, we can do nothing but lean against it... see without eyes... listen with our whole body in the wild desire to “know what the dead know” (Christian Bobin). CHANT 3: TANT QUE LA NUIT NOUS PORTE (Chant 3: As long as the Night carries us) is this borderland outside of time and space. Existing on the fringes of the familiar world, it is both a frontier and a point of contact between the visible and the invisible, the quotidian and the mystery. A margin inhabited by performers, which the audience is invited to step into and transform in their own way.
CHANT 3 is conceived as an intimate and collective ritual. It is a hybrid form of performance that blends poetry, movement, hypnosis, flamenco, sound improvisation influenced by classical Indian singing and contemporary music, electrical tones and sound archives.
What space do we make for death and the dead in our lives? Recognizing the mortality of every living thing, we are called, more than ever, to celebrate life.
Alexandra Templier | Artistic director and performer
Hugo Larenas , David Ryshpan, Sébastien Pellerin, Olivier Bussières | Collaborators in music exploration
Ariane Boulet , Audrey Bergeron | Collaborators in dance and hypnosis exploration
· Weekly volunteering at Maison St-Raphaël (palliative care center)
· Place des Arts, a week of exploratory residency in music at Studio D
· Théâtre de la Ville de Longueuil, Les Lucarnes showcase
· Grant from the Montreal Concil for the Arts to initiate research and creation
· Article by the Place des Arts : here